Meadow Glen Mall Closing - Doomsday Clock 4 Minutes To Midnight

With the time ticking on the Meadow Glen Mall in Medford I thought it was apt to take a photo of the clock inside the mall ticking down 4 minutes to midnight. Confession this was taken 11.56am Sunday 31st of January, not at midnight ;)

Meadow Glen Mall Closing

The last weekend of the mall, a beloved (but not that much apparently if it's now closing!) mall in Medford, MA. To see my full album of photos taken this morning check out my Flickr album

Parking Lot of Meadow Glen Mall - 1/31/2016 

Deserted inside the Meadow Glen Mall

The last few shoppers inside the Meadow Glen Mall

Although it is sad to see any local areas business close because it's not good for local jobs and the community it appears that both Kohl's and Marshall's stores will be staying a new Wegman's Supermarket will be joining them so hopefully that brings a much needed injection of energy in to the area!


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